"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:14

Monday, January 31, 2011

January Update

It was just the four of this holiday season and we rang in the new year with a bang...okay, okay...not really.  Our evening pretty much consisted of  pizza with some friends, girls in bed by eight, and Ryan and I watching TV waiting for the new year.  But we’ve had a good start to 2011.

We celebrated Abby’s second birthday in December and she is growing up so fast.    She is talking so much and she makes us laugh all the time.  My favorite is when she politely asks for seconds and when I say okay...she then proceeds to say “ayot” which means a lot.  She wants a lot the second time around.   It cracks me up every time...as if she needs “ayot.”  She’s a big girl and seems to be getting taller every day.  She loves playing along side Kaylee and loves books and Boz the bear videos.

Kaylee will be four next month and she is quite the girly girl.  She loves everything princess and her favorite right now is Rapunzel.  She continues to take ballet and started taking tap lessons a few months ago.  She enjoys both, but I think she has more fun in her tap class.  She is doing very well in preschool too.  I went on Monday for her parent/teacher conference.  Her teacher, Ms. Alicia, reported that Kaylee does well in class and follows directions (if only she’d do that all the time at home) and she plays well with others.  She’s able to trace lines and cut with scissors along those lines.  She has even learned about patterns this year and is able identify and make a pattern...something she could not do several months ago.  So far I have been very pleased with her preschool experience here.

I guess I’ve been keeping busy trying to keep up with all our activities.  It’s fun though.  I am still teaching a baby basics class at the Fleet & Family Support Center here on base once a month and have really enjoyed teaching and meeting new people.  On Tuesdays, I attend the PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) Bible Study.  I started going back in September and have thoroughly enjoyed it.  In the fall I did a study on “Shepherding a  Child’s Heart.”  And now we are doing study on the Bible history.  I have met some really great women and look forward to Bible study every week.  On Tuesday evenings, Kaylee is apart of AWANAs here...what a great program!  Abby and I go too, but that’s because I head up the nursery for the AWANA leaders and workers to have a place to drop their littles ones.

So other than recuperating form the holidays and getting back into our regular routine, not too much has happened in January.  Fortunately, Ryan has been home with us since Thanksgiving and we have enjoyed that!  I’m sure he will be traveling a little more now that the holidays are over, but I hope to keep him home as long as possible!

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